
Amius is a dragon, but I’m sure you’ve gleaned that much already, so I guess I’ll have to give a little more.

He’s small, not like micro, but as far as dragon standards go, he’s tiny. He’s just about the size of a horse when normal, but due to shenanigans he can easily be as small as a mouse.

The blue nerd is covered in thick blue scales from head to toe that are always warm and pleasant to the touch. Down his throat and over his underbelly are covered in a series of lighter creme colored armored plates. Amius’ face is rather angular, thinner, and closer to a female dragon’s build at all times despite being male. On his shoulders and cheeks respectively light blue runes seemed to be etched into his scales, each rune a physical carving into the scales that you can feel tactility as an indent. They also glow gently in the dark unless inactive.

Starting from the top of Amius’ head is a spiny frill that runs down his neck all the way down to the tip of their tail. These frills can easily be folded back with some directly applied pressure, much like you can smooth fur back when you go with the ‘grain’.

Below are a bunch of images, you can also find a big 16 page comic by clicking here.


Amius was raised by humans, and tends to be less dragonlike than one might expect. In fact, he had a rather sheltered upbringing and sometimes struggles with his identity, wondering if he’s acting enough like a dragon should at times, or if he’s being too human in his decisions.

When around other dragons his excitement is almost boundless, and you’ll be lucky if you escape him without having to answer at least a thousand questions.

With that said though a strong desire and urge has been instilled into the young drake to protect his friends and loved ones with a ferocity that could certainly only have come from a threatened dragon. Amius was raised to be a guardian, and even though his people and city may be gone, he still acts like one.


Amius is a dragon. He’s not your run of the mill dragon, but he’s still a dragon. He’s got the wings and the scales, he’s got a breath weapon, and a greedy tendency that he prefers to call being ambitious. The only thing he’s missing is size. You see – Amius’ growth is stunted, and he’s only just a bit bigger than your average horse, but that’s only ever been a problem a few times.

Have you every heard of the saying it takes a town to raise a kid? Well it takes a city to raise a dragon. You see, a long long time ago there was a city named Panoply. They were a larger than life port city with a secret up its sleeve. Well, it wasn’t really a secret per say, in fact it was what they were known for. In the center of the city lived a dragon that acted guardian to that larger than life city, but she’s not nearly as important to this story as what she represents. All you need to know is that there was a dragon the guarded Panoply, and that dragon died.

But she had an egg, and Panoply wasn’t ready to give up its ace. So, the city began to raise itself a new dragon. Amius was trained and tutored – the city was his home and he was well on his way to becoming that guardian they’d lost. He learned a lot about magic, the land and the sea, and what it meant to be a leader, but before he could fully assume his role as guardian, the earth shrugged, and the ocean washed away his home. The ocean rose and swallowed the city along with its dragon, and for centuries he slept.

But then he woke up. His city was ruined, and the people were long gone, but in the ruins their sleeping treasure had finally risen. He mourned, he tried to fix things, but eventually he realized he couldn’t live in the past, so he took what he could, and he left.

He didn’t know where he was going, nor did he know what the road would look like for him. He did, however, know that he’d find out somewhere along the way.

Now-a-days Amius spends his days wandering and adventuring, exploring, and trying to find himself, and although he didn’t quite realize it himself he was trying to find a way to rebuild some semblance of community that he’d lost all those years ago. He was a social dragon after all, having been raised by humans.



As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike I’m a prey person, and I’ll only pred for VERY close friends.
Used as sex toy/pred masterbation Always/Love
Never/Dislike Extreamly interested in scenes where Amius is shrunken down and used as a sex toy to help the pred get their rocks off – especially in situations where Amius is used for butt stimulation – rubbing and pressing his face against their tailhole while masterbating >///>
Total Power Exchange Always/Love
Never/Dislike Now this has become one of my new favourite things. This entails Amius being in some dominate position of power over his partner before being willingly cohered into making himself helpless to the other person, completely handing over power to them. Either by shrinking himself or allowing them to eat him. ~
Characters Know one another Always/Love
Never/Dislike I like it when the vore rp starts at a point where both character’s already know one another. For me vore is liked to be a close act between two characters. Something that doesn’t have to be completely willing for the prey, but never ill intentioned.
Soul Entrapment Always/Love
Never/Dislike Usually a must for me if you’re going to go through with gurgles~ Soul entrapment where after you gurg the little drake you keep his soul and bind it to yourself. A means of ‘impossible closeness’
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Churn the drake and keep him all to yourself~ Gooey absorby digestion only please. Slowly getting softer and softer until they get squishy like a fruit snack and then one good squeeze and mush is all that’s left
Can’t control Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike This has so much love from me that I broke the slider. What I mean by this is basically a form of dangerous endo. Swallow me down, let digestion start and tease the hell out of me. Churn me and gurgle me just enough for my scales to get soft and squishy to the touch – bring me to the very brink of not and then let me out before it’s to late and give me all the aftercare.

This is actually my preferred way to do an interaction. Just don’t mention reformation in scene. The risk is really what I crave, and the thrill of utter helplessness. Normal endo and normal full digestion are fine, but can’t compare to this dangerous endo for me!
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike Amius cannot reform himself. A big part of vore for me is the uncertainty and risk. Please never mention Reformation in scene to him or say something like “don’t worry I’ll just reform you.”
Belly crushing Always/Love
Never/Dislike This is something I’ve recently fallen in love with, and as you might see it has also busted out of its bar. What I mean by belly crushing is balling me up in your stomch and crushing me as tightly as possible between those stomach walls, squeezing me to the point where I feel like I might break~
Breath Play Always/Love
Never/Dislike A focus on the pred’s breath, specifically on pleasent scents (like, smells earthy, fruity, cinamony, ect.) and how hot and overwhelmingly humid it is makes me squirm like no other. Please please do this <3 ~
Endo Always/Love
Never/Dislike I always default to wanting ‘dangerous endo’ Where the belly is actually trying to digest me, but the pred simply doesn’t let the belly keep me long enough for gurgles to happen. Endo with teasing makes me really happy, especially in crops!
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike The bread and butter
Stretchy Always/Love
Never/Dislike The perfect size for me is size difference, where prey is at least half as small as pred or smaller. I like a stomach bulge that can easily be hidden by a sweater or is hardly visibile, if at all.
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike Playful roughness, not agressive or mean, but yeah. Playing around or nothing that would hurt purposly.
Gentle Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Never/Dislike A big part of my character
Willing Always/Love
Never/Dislike It’s quite easy to coax this little drake into a belly
Unwilling Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sometimes he can be quite feisty though
Same Size Always/Love
Never/Dislike I prefer to be a bit bigger than my prey, or a bit smaller than my pred, enough to make a bit of a bulge
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike I don’t really like humanoid predators unless there is a story involved, but I’ll make a meal out of mostly everyone
Demi Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike ^
Fur Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Give me all the canines!
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Gryphons!
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Always prefer feral bodied if its an option
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike I can manage large post, I will adjust to my partner.
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike I prefer a ten minute rule, usually don’t take longer than that between posts. If you don’t have time or are busy it’s better to wait.
Surprise Me Always/Love
Never/Dislike I love being suprised with stuff so long as it doesn’t go against my preferences
Multi-Session Always/Love
Never/Dislike Yes please. If I enjoy RPing with you enough we can get a good story rolling
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike These are also really nice.
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike I’ve done this once and I loved it, so if you have any ideas then please grab me!
Direct Message Always/Love
Never/Dislike I’m very friendly and open
Public Always/Love
Never/Dislike I really like public play. Being dominated or crammed into a belly in front of a crowd makes me squirm in a good way. Make me like a trouphy
Private Always/Love
Never/Dislike I’m 100% fine with private play, but I love a scene being shown off

OOC Notes

So, first thing’s first. I’m a vorephilliac. I like vore, it’s one of the big reasons I’m on F-list, but that is not my only kink, and it’s not required to play with me by any means.
With that said, I do have a huge oral fixation. I like to put my mouth on things two of my biggest kinks outside of vore involve giving rimming and cunnlingus – getting face sits etc. Giving oral is my jam.

in fact…..Everything oral is my jam. I love using my tongue, the smells, the tastes. Even some light smothering is great. Nothing cruel, but, pressing his nose against a hole of choice for a few looong moments before letting his breathe again adds some nice spice~

While I’m into giving oral, vanilla penetrative sex, not so much. I’d much rather hands or mouths be used if it comes down to it. Strap-ons though – I’ll lift tail for a strap-on any day~

In general I like story and character interaction over mindless kink. I the player am Demi-sexual and need some help getting into things. Characters already at least somewhat knowing each other before kink things happening is greatly appreciated.

Other than that – across the board I appreciate interesting smells. Not bad smells, but interesting smells. By this I mean, earthy scents, fruity, flowery, grassy or otherwise. Clean musky scents are good too <3 If it doesn’t smell bad, tell me about it!

Vore is largely symbolic for me, its partly about the physical act of being consumed. For me its more about a sort of twisted impossible intimate closeness. I want to be pressed from all sides, to be rubbed and squeezed, to feel fluids pressed and ground against me.

I don’t want things to be cruel – I like vore as some sort of intimacy going on, or shenanigans. I like characters getting carried away in the heat of a moment – for just a little while the pleasure becomes blinding, so on.

Digestion is fun as a thing that is just happening. It’s neither good nor bad. It’s just happening, uncontrollable and slow marching. It puts a time limit on scenes so they don’t drag on, and I sort of like playing with risk. – “We should probably get you out soon… just a few more minutes.” As it slowly marches on, scales getting tingly and soft, churning more and more with every passing moment only to keep prolonging it in the name of pleasure.